Are you ready to stop dreading giving feedback? Or having what you thought would be a simple feedback session go horribly wrong? Do you wish you knew how to approach giving feedback to emotional or resistant employees?
Using the simple 4-step process laid out in this book, in no time at all you will become skillful and confident in both giving and receiving feedback in ways that foster empowerment, growth, and development in yourself and others.
A slim book packed with activities, examples, and a step-by-step process, “Mastering Feedback” will become your go to resource for giving feedback without unnecessary drama or fear.
You too can become a role model for normalizing feedback as part of the healthy culture of your workplace regardless of your position or job. And you will begin to ask for feedback so you can grow and develop yourself.
”Whether you are leading a company, leading a team, or just want to improve your own leadership skills, this guide is a must read. Clear, effective and actionable, you'll be equipped and wishing everyone around you had read it too.” Lindsay Pera, Intuitive Strategist & Founder / CEO of the Modern Mystic Institute